
Airhawks Flying Club 

A Washington 501c(3) non-profit corporation  

Airhawks engages Orcas community to advance aviation use & enjoyment. Money donated supports programs including flight training for youth and aviation education; future programs in development include a high school club, incremental STEM teacher training, flying camp for rusty & new pilots and extra-curricular science classes.

Aviation is eminently practical with a long history on our island; as a vocation or a practical hobby - it’s a confidence building achievement.


Supporting Airhawks promotes positive, life enriching activities and in the past twenty years the club has helped 18 high school students obtain a pilot’s license.

Airhawks leverages and uses existing programs and resources from AOPA and many other organizations engaged in aviation and STEM support.

A strong and vibrant aviation community supports the life-saving emergency services needed on this island – getting people on or off the island quickly without consuming expensive and limited commercial services.

Aviation adds jobs to the Orcas community, not only commercial pilots and aviation service staff, but also instructors and airport support.


Please send your tax deductible contribution to:


PO Box 1024

Eastsound WA 98245