Supporting aviation in the San Juan Islands

Our Mission

To strengthen aviation in the San Juan Islands by supporting pilot training and access to aircraft including awarding scholarships to youth and adults to obtain their Private Pilot’s license. 


Airhawks Flying Club

 Washington 501c(3) non-profit corporation

HISTORY: Airhawks began in 1994 with the goal of fostering interest in aviation for young people in San Juan County.  Educational programs were conducted for youths ranging from 9 to 18 years of age. In 1999, the Board elected to focus on a more direct form of aid and education for young people: all funds would be used to provide flight training scholarships. 


To date 25 scholarships, ranging from $1,500 - $4,000 each, have been awarded. Eighteen youths have successfully obtained their Private Pilot license; three dropped out of the program due to moving off island or academic challenges. To date, $33,300.00 has been used for scholarships. New scholarships are now being granted up to $4,000 in a matching funds format. 


Attaining a private pilot’s license is rigorous and challenging. Student pilots learn to appreciate the practical value of what they’ve learned at home and at school: the integration of math, science, communications and decision-making skills. Because of our emphasis on education, most of our students have gone on to colleges and universities, often choosing professional and academic careers in aviation-related fields. Airhawks Board members provide continuous mentoring for each student throughout their training. 

Many Airhawks scholarship recipients have entered into aviation careers in the military, commercial, instruction and medical/mercy missions. And many others have attend collage education in aviation at schools like Embry-Riddle and the Air Force Academy. Airhawks does not have an expectation that a scholarship recipient will make aviation a career; just that they will enhance their life skills and experiences once they have experienced flight.


Airhawks recognizes that in order to reach its mission of new pilots and a strong aviation community it is necessary to support the infrastructure for flight training, subsequently for the past 2 years Airhawks has provided aircraft for rent in the flying Club. The aircraft are used for flight training and available for rental by Club members.